CarsForSale - What is it?
Get Started - How?
Experiencing Issues while using the website - What should I do?
Become an Approved Dealer - How do I register?
Is CarsForSale open to the public?
No, you must be a licensed dealer to be able to register on the marketplace platform.
Registration Process - How long will it take?
The registration applications are all processed in the order which they are received. The amount of applications and also the accuracy will determine the time it takes to process. Usually this entire process will take anywhere from 24-48 business hours.
Login Information - How do I receive mine?
Forgot Password - What do I do?
How do I enter a bid?
Vehicle Location - Where are they located?
Changing or canceling a bid - Is it possible?
Bidding Period on CarsForSale - How long?
Highest Bidder - How will I know?
Making Payments - Timeline?
Vehicle Payment- How do I pay for my vehicle?
Delivery of Vehicles - Is it possible with CarsForSale?
Confirmation for vehicle payment - How will I be notified?